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    Interactive Library

    Banzai is designed to help your students think about money beyond the classroom, but they might still have questions. That’s why Banzai’s interactive library was created: to help your students master financial literacy. The interactive library is packed with tools and tips to help you and your students make the most of your Banzai experience.

    Required Reading

    The interactive library creates personalized learning paths that put students on the road to deeper mastery. For students who want and need supplemental reading, Banzai offers an entire library of engaging, in-depth articles to cover everything, including:


    • Life insurance
    • Health insurance and HSAs
    • Renters insurance


    • Retirement basics
    • Disability insurance
    • Social security, and
    • Getting started

    Buying a house

    • To buy or not to buy?
    • Finding a lender
    • The true cost of a mortgage


    • Planning
    • Paying
    • Filling out tax returns

    Life Changes

    • Dealing with illness
    • Losing a job
    • Dealing with identity theft
    • Divorce

    Borrowing and Credit

    • Student loans
    • Credit scores
    • Credit cards
    • Auto loans


    • Creating a budget
    • Saving for emergencies
    • Tips for smart living

    Starting a Business

    • Funds to build a business
    • Attracting employees
    • Health benefits

    Whether students need extra time in the library to totally grasp a topic, or they’re interested in some independent study, these articles help create a personalized learning environment for everyone.

    Running the Numbers

    The Banzai game gives students the chance to make choices and see consequences in real time. The library takes that experience a step further, allowing students to plug in their own numbers and play with percentages. Whether it’s a mortgage calculator to price out a potential pad or an interest calculator to see the real cost of shoes on a credit card, students can continue to run numbers and create hypotheticals.

    Lesson Plans

    As a teacher, you’re the facilitator who makes Banzai work in your classroom. Some teachers choose to have students play the game as a standalone experience, while others will use the game as a springboard for further financial discussions. Banzai offers flexibility in how, when, and where you teach financial literacy, and the library works to supplement your already awesome efforts.

    Try using the library by:

    • Assign students a financial topic and ask them to use the library to create a report.
    • Give students hypothetical mortgage amounts and rates and ask that they use the mortgage calculator to figure out monthly payments.
    • Direct students to the library if they have specific questions while playing the Game.
    • Go over a section of the library as a class and then assign a quick quiz.
    • Ask students to create their own monthly budget using tis from the Budgeting section.

    Banzai’s interactive library is there as little or as much as you need it. It was created specifically with teachers and students in mind and can be used to supplement and continue your existing curriculum. Adding articles, tips, and calculators to your teaching toolkit, Banzai helps you teach financial literacy in the classroom for lifelong success. 

    Schedule a Walk-Through 

    Our Teacher Support team can do a personalized, 15-minute tutorial and answer any questions you might have.

    Schedule a time on this calendar.
    We will call you at the selected time. Just be ready with your questions.