Recording an Expense
An expense is the opposite of income. If income is receiving money, then an expense is when you spend money. Be sure to keep track of your expenses so you can always keep your budgets updated. If you pay for anything, from groceries to a car payment, make sure to record it.
Lemonade Tycoon
- 1
- Look at how much you just spent.
- 2
- Depending on which budget you want to use to pay, select Spending or Lemonade. Type in the amount you need to pay, and click OK.
- 3
- Click Done to finish.
Life Scenarios and Advanced Budgeting
Look at how much you just spent.
Once you know the grand total of the bill, click on Cash, Checking, or Credit Card. Type in the amount, and select OK.
Subtract the total of the bill from one of your budgets—such as Food, Car, Rent—by typing in the amount of the bill. Type in the same amount you took from either cash, checking, or credit card and click OK.
You may need to split up the expense between budgets if you didn't originally allocate enough money to the specific budget you are using. To do this, take part of the bill from one budget, and select another budget to take out the remaining amount. Note: You can only pay expenses with funds from one account at a time.
Schedule a Walk-Through
Our Teacher Support team can do a personalized, 15-minute tutorial and answer any questions you might have.
- Schedule a time on this calendar.
- We will call you at the selected time. Just be ready with your questions.