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    Vocab Terms

    While going through Banzai, you will come across a lot of terms that might be unfamiliar. These words are underlined and bolded when they first appear. Try and learn these new terms, because you will see them again. Banzai provides a way to learn and review these terms in a quick and easy way.


    As you are going through Junior, you will see new vocab terms underlined and bolded. Click on the term, and a pop-up appears with the definition and similar words (synonyms).

    Teen and Plus

    In Teen and Plus, you will see new words that are underlined and bolded. Click on the term, and a pop-up appears with the definition and its synonyms.

    If you are playing through Life Scenarios in Teen, you can review all the terms that Banzai introduces by clicking Vocab in the top-right part of the screen.

    This list only includes the terms that are taught in the Life Scenarios section. If you are in the game section of Teen, you can click the Vocab button in the top-right part of the screen to see the terms introduced in the game but not in Life Scenarios.