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    Making a Withdrawal

    A withdrawal in Banzai is when you take money out of Checking or Savings and put it in Wallet. Some places only take cash, so it’s necessary to have a little in your wallet. In Banzai, withdrawing cash is easy.

    Lemonade Tycoon

    Click on Withdraw below Savings
    Click on Savings and enter in the the amount you want to withdraw.

    Click OK and then on either your spending jar, your IOU, or your lemonade budget. Enter in the same amount to move the money from your savings account.

    Click OK. Finish the withdrawal by selecting Done. You now have moved cash from your savings account into your spending or lemonade jar.

    Life Scenarios and Advanced Budgeting

    Click on Withdraw below Checking.
    Click on Checking and type in the amount you want to withdraw

    Click OK, and select Cash. Enter the same amount you withdrew, and click OK.
    Click Done to complete the withdrawal.

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    Our Teacher Support team can do a personalized, 15-minute tutorial and answer any questions you might have.

    Schedule a time on this calendar.
    We will call you at the selected time. Just be ready with your questions. 
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