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    Elementary Personal Finance Workbook

    Banzai’s Elementary Personal Finance Workbook includes a series of financial literacy activities for kids grades 3-7. These workbooks are the perfect complement to the Banzai Junior Course, but can also be used on their own. You can order free physical workbooks via a teacher account by selecting “Booklets” after you log in or view the PDF here.

    The Elementary Personal Finance Workbooks contain nine age-appropriate activities that form the foundation for students’ financial literacy education.

    • The Financial Scoop: Students use key vocabulary terms to fill in the blanks of a story about a girl just like them interacting with financial topics.
    • Money Math: Students get experience doing the simple math required to work with money by adding and subtracting various combinations of dollars and cents.
    • Paying with Cash and Making Change: Helps understand how to count & pay with change.
    • Microeconomics: Teens are asked to think about what influences people to spend money by reading five different scenarios and listing what impacted the spender the most.
    • Reading Challenge: After reading short paragraphs that explain the basic concepts of insurance and borrowing money, students answer reading comprehension questions about them.
    • Crossword: Students complete a crossword puzzle using financial vocabulary terms.
    • Savings Plan & Savings Tracker: Students work through questions that help them set a savings goal. They can then take the savings tracker home to track their progress.
    • Banzai Swap: Students use the included cards to play a fun, short trading card game that teaches that goods have different values. The game requires groups of five to seven players and can be played with the entire class for the final round. 

    Login to teachbanzai.com to order the new Junior Workbooks for your class.

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