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  • Banzai Support

    Classroom Presentations

    Your sponsor gives you access to Banzai and all the materials you need to get started, but they’re not just a silent partner. You can request a classroom presentation or even a field trip to supplement your existing curriculum.

    To request a sponsor lesson:

    Log in to your teacher account at Banzai.org and click the Sponsor tab.

    On the Sponsor page, click Request a Lesson.

    Select the type of help you're interested in (you can select more than one!): a virtual presentation, an in-person guest speaker in your classroom, or a field trip to your sponsor institution. Then click Let Them Know.

    We'll take care of letting your sponsor know that you're interested in a guest speaker or field trip. If you don't hear from them within a few business days, email us at support@banzai.org.

    Schedule a Walk-Through 

    Our Teacher Support team can do a personalized, 15-minute tutorial and answer any questions you might have.

    Schedule a time on this calendar.
    We will call you at the selected time. Just be ready with your questions. 

    Check Out Banzai's New Tutorial Video

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