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    Ordering Workbooks

    Any teacher can use the Banzai courses for free, but physical workbooks are provided by the generous support of sponsors. If your school is not currently sponsored and you place an order, Banzai will collect your information, look for a sponsor, and contact you as soon as one is secured.

    Printed workbooks ship for free within 3 business days, include a helpful Teacher's Guide, and align with state curriculum standards.

    To order workbooks:

    First, log in to your account at banzai.org. Click the Workbooks tab.

    Click Order Free Workbooks.

    Click the select quantity arrow and select a quantity for each workbook you are ordering. Choose quantities of 20, up to 80 workbooks from each category. Follow these instructions for large orders.

    When you've finished your selections, click a checkbox to indicate if you're interested in a Guest Speaker on one of the following topics: Budgeting, Paying for College, Credit, Buying a House, Emergency Funds, or Online Financial Safety. Then click Order for Free.

    Schedule a Walk-Through 

    Our Teacher Support Team can do a personalized, 15-minute tutorial and answer any questions you might have.

    Schedule a time on this calendar.
    We will call you at the selected time. Just be ready with your questions. 
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