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    Direct Tab

    If you sponsor our community-facing product, Banzai Direct, you can track usage data, online referral sources, and user contact info. 

    Log in to your Manager account, and navigate to the Direct tab on the left side of your dashboard.
    Select Users. Here, you can view a list of every individual who has signed up to use Direct, with the exception of anyone under the age of 13 (for compliance with privacy laws)
    Use the drop-down menus at the top of your screen to filter users by name, age, or sign-up date. Below their scores, you can view basic information such as the user's age, email, and sign-up date. You will also see a history of the user's interaction with your organization and with the app.

    You can view students' scores and progress for each course. When you select a user, you can toggle between courses using the drop-down menu next to their nam

    Select Summary under the Direct tab to view a summary of all usage data (i.e., sign-ups, logins, hours spent). From here, you can filter the data by dates and sign-ups. You can also view online referral sources, users by location, the course badges or milestones achieved by users, and assessment scores.