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    Archive or Delete Classes

    Streamline your teacher account at the end of the semester or year by archiving or deleting classes you no longer need.

    To archive a class:

    Log in to your teacher account at banzai.org, and click on the class you want to archive or delete.

    Click Class Settings.

    Under Class Management, click Archive Class.

    This removes the class from your dashboard, but you can still click View Archived Classes to view class details anytime.

    To restore an archived class, open it and click Class Settings. Then select Restore Class to return it to Your Classes.

    To delete a class:

    Open a class and select Class Settings. Under Class Management, select Delete Class. Note: deleting your class cannot be undone and then information cannot be recovered. If you're unsure whether you'll need to reference a class in the future, opt to Archive Class instead.

    Schedule a Walk-Through 

    Our Teacher Support team can do a personalized, 15-minute tutorial and answer any questions you might have.

    1. Schedule a time on this calendar.
    2. We will call you at the selected time. Just be ready with your questions. 
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