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    Grading Classes

    Banzai provides a simple, efficient grading interface that lets you keep track of your students' progress without the responsibility of grading their work. You can identify students who fall behind and focus your class time on learning gaps. 

    If you have added more than one Banzai course (e.g., Junior, Teen, Plus) to a class, you can alternate between course tabs to view the progress and scores for other courses.

    In the example below, you can see that in Banzai Teen, Chandler Bing scored 56% on the pretest, 96% on the posttest, and he has made progress in the game.

    You can click on students' usernames to view their progress in greater detail and print the results of the tests. 

    Schedule a Walk-Through 

    Our Teacher Support team can do a personalized, 15-minute tutorial and answer any questions you might have.

    Schedule a time on this calendar.
    We will call you at the selected time. Just be ready with your questions. 

    Check Out Our New Video Tutorial